Partnership for employment
Partnership for employment in the Bucharest-Ilfov, South-West and South Muntenia Regions
HRS joined Motivation Romania Foundation, along with their partners Goals UK CIC, Special Olympics Foundation of Romania, Judicial Agency for Ilfov Workforce Employment, Judicial Agency for German Workforce Employment, Judicial Agency for Constanta Workforce Employment , as a premises of a new project – PARTNERS FOR EMPLOYMENT in the Bucharest-Ilfov, South-West and South Muntenia regions.
The project will have a duration of 18 months, more precisely between 31.03.2014 and 29.09.2015.
General objective of the project:
- to facilitate the integration into the workforce of inactive persons, persons currently seeking a job, the unemployed, as well as persons who dropped out of school from the regions mentioned above.
Specifically, the project intends to increase the capacity for employment of 600 people from the Bucharest-Ilfov, South-West, and South Muntenia regions who are seeking a job. Additionally, it intends to attract to the labor market 114 people through mediation activities (such as job fairs and Job Clubs). And through direct seeking, at least 90 among these will gain jobs, while 24 will initiate independent activities.
The target group will benefit from occupation services offered by public and private providers which will work in partnership, an approach that will work as a corrective measure to reduce unemployment, including long-term unemployment.
The benefits for the people who are seeking a job include strengthening personal and professional abilities (they will be better prepared to access jobs), development of the ability to identify a potential job (they will identify their own employment opportunities), they will increase competitiveness in the labor market (they will be capable of better responding to the requests of employers and coping with competition), and higher occupation (they will find a job or will launch a business).
24 of the participants to the Entrepreneurial Training Course will be rewarded by HRS on July 2nd, 2015. Value of each prize is 1.500 Lei. For further details regarding the registration procedure, please see the document below. Wishing you GOOD LUCK!
Acquisition notice:
- Operational Leasing (Achizitie servicii de leasing operational)

We consider the public-private partnerships an effective way to improve society, therefore we constantly promote the economic model of social economy and by our expertise we are able to assist any company that would like to benefit of EU funds. Depending on the type of project, we can offer our consultancy support or become your full partner. Contact us and we will offer you the best solutions!