Action changes lives!

An inclusive society is a healthy environment where the potential of its members, especially those belonging to disadvantaged groups, is valorized, properly used and encouraged, by facilitating the access to all available resources, rights and services. HRS strategies focus on helping and counselling persons to become independent individuals, not dependent by others, through financial support and proactive involvement. The profit is continuously reinvested in social field, financing EU projects and the activity of “Access for All” NGO. WANT TO GET INVOLVED? MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

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Employment EU Projects

5 years of experience at national and international level, HRS maintained one of the leading positions among Romanian specialized companies that manage and implement successful Human Resources projects co-financed by European Social Funds (HRDP).

Examples of projects we finalized as partner or beneficiary:


Practice master’s degree

shutterstock_161509904The project was co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, “Invest in people”, priority axis 2 “Correlation of life-long learning with the employment market”, Major Field of Intervention 2.1 “Transition from school to an active life”, implemented between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2013.

The project was implemented by the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies – Faculty of International Economic Relationships, in partnership with European Project Consulting , HR Specialists, Asociation Groupe ESSEC – ESSEC Business School

The general goal of the program was to ease the access to the labour market of 160 master’s degree graduates in the field of economics, international business and business administration from the master’s education, by organizing practice internships on regional and transnational level, especially in the field of economics, development and innovation.

We consider the public-private partnerships an effective way to improve society, therefore we constantly promote the economic model of social economy and by our expertise we are able to assist any company that would like to benefit of EU funds. Depending on the type of project, we can offer our consultancy support or become your full partner. Contact us and we will offer you the best solutions!

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