Discomfort at Work And Ways To Overcome it (7DOT Vault)

Discomfort sometimes accompanies us in certain situations of our life. It can even be understood as a complicated lesson that we try to understand just to avoid headaches and stress. But often, after we understood that complicated lesson, we notice not only that the headache and the stress are gone but that we are also pleased with our effort and after a period of rest we are ready to try again from time to time “to trouble our head” with another complicated lesson – somehow we start to like it because we know which the benefits of this approach are. It may as well happen that the “lesson” is not understood and then, of course the discontent and the mental /physical exhaustion appear. The same goes for discomfort at work.
At our job, discomfort can occur because of our tasks, the type of our activities, the doubts whether we do what we like to do, whether what we do motivates, develops, satisfies us, the colleagues we work with, financial complains, questions like: does it really matter what I do at my job? Does it matter to anyone else but me? Could I do anything else? and so on.
This kind of doubts are justified. It is natural that we ask ourselves questions from time to time because it means that we can do more, we can improve our professional condition. We feel, we think, we are worried – it is all right, it’s even healthy, it’s human. Therefore, if we feel uncomfortable with job it does not mean that we have to change it. First of all we have to become aware that not just the more or less harmful situations that we face can change us, but we can change them also.
The first step would be to identify the way we want to approach a particular context that causes that specific discomfort. There must be a way. If we worry as described in the second paragraph of this article, we can think about a strategy as follows:
We may consider the strategy as being a lesson which we should present to other people, the only difference is that those “other people” will be us. We write our own lesson and try to understand it. It is up to us how we manage our relationships with others, how we surpass the difficult situations and whom we ask for help or opinion. Sometimes we can escape from a specific discomfort just by exploring it, more clearly, by discussing about it with friends, family and some of our colleagues/superiors that we trust. It is not recommended to present everything too dramatically but to simply show that we wish to improve our professional life at that working place – something natural again, not unusual. Another very important subject is related to the importance of our activity for the others, for humanity – does it really matter what I do at my job? Does it matter to anyone else but me? If we are in such a situation we must act accordingly, as our job really matters to us. We make a list of all the advantages offered by our job – surely there are some advantages. Otherwise, if we want to do things differently it is indicated that we have courage and inform the company about this – if we act like this we need to structure our ides as well, to have a concrete proposal and not just to say “I want to do more” or “I need something different”. We simply think what we can do better, we organize our ideas on a paper and then we communicate them.
After we succeed to accept our professional activity we will try to do our best. Later, our positive results will generate smiles and wellbeing in the company. Thus, the company gains a good employee having the possibility to grow together both financially and professionally. This way your job matters. If you wish to use some of your time for volunteering on weekends or other periods you can focus on humanitarian activities as well.
Before coming out of a difficult situation, couldn’t we explore it first? Naturally not all the difficulties of our life will allow us to explore them and nor is it recommended, but where is possible we can do this, why not?
7 Days of Trust
Today Is The Most Important Day of Your Life
by Mihai Silviu Botezatu, Manager People Solutions HRS