HRS Prize –Social and Economic Innovator in the Black Sea Basin—Danube Region

Between 23 and 24 May the third edition of the Danube-Black Sea Innovation Forum took place, the event being organized by The International Honorary Chair in support of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (CIO-SUERD) coordinated by the EUROLINK-House of Europe, in close collaboration with the Austrian Embassy.

Following a pan-European pre-selection, the Selection Committee of the third edition of the International Competition of the Danube-Black Sea Innovation Forum nominated the company HRS to receive the “Social and Economic Innovator in the Black Sea Basin—Danube Region” Trophy—2013 edition, one of four categories of the competition, for the innovative character of the project “Closer to People through Forms of Social Economy.

The award ceremony was held at the annual Forum dedicated to European Maritime Day, coordinated by the European Commission—DG MARE, under the Honorary Patronage of the Irish Presidency of the Council of European Unionalong with the support of the Austrian Ambassador to Romania, in the period of 23-24 May 2013.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Honorary Chair in support of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region coordinated by the EUROLINK-House of Europe and the Austrian Ambassador for the prize awarded and also for the recognition received.