Job Fair “Bursa Locurilor de Munca” — Iulia Hasdeu National College

From 6-8 November 2012, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, at National College Iulia Haşdeu (Blvd. Ferdinand I nr. 91, sector 2, Bucharest) there will be the job fair “Bursa Locurilor de Muncă” – organized especially for women seeking professional opportunities.

At this event there will be job offers for men as well, and as such they are also invited to participate.

Modes of transportation: trolley (1, 14, 46), bus (101, 330, 335), trolleybus (69, 85), and subway M1 station Piaţa Iancului.

The HRS team awaits you!

Organizers: Pikaso Events and the C4C Association—Communication for Community

Human Respect Solutions offers the following employment opportunities: Call Center Agent, Translator, IT Specialist, Volunteer, Technical Worker.