Searching for work. How should I Search?

Internet? Checked! Friends, family members, job sites, Employment Agencies? Also checked… What else can I do to find a job?
1. Events that help you to socialize (networking events). Try to find such events searching online and, as another option, you could ask for help from a consultant in human resources within an agency for example, to see which events could he/she recommend you.
Hint: The Chamber of Commerce (of Italy, France, Holland, Great Britain etc.) organizes monthly meetings having economic, social, financial topics where employers and job seekers can meet and exchange their business cards.
Link 1: Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce
Link 2: Camera Franceză de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură în România
Link 3: Camera di CommercioItaliana per la Romania
Link 4: Great Britain Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Think also about other Chambers of Commerce of other countries in Romania that you are interested in and try to attend an event that interests you (usually it takes between 2 to 3 hours) and where you can interact with potential employers (it is a must to have visit cards or the resume).
You can also ask for a brochure with the companies registered at that Chamber of Commerce. Search their website on the internet right now!(for example the Turkish Chamber of Commerce in Romania or the Belgian Chamber of Commerce in Romania etc.)
2. Search for companies accordingly to the domains you are interested in. Try to use Pagini Aurii, Google, recruitment websites (such ejobs, bestjobs, myjob, workfinder etc.) for this type of search.
Example: you write the word communicationin the website (to search), select the town or sector (if you are from Bucharest) and a list with agencies/companies on communication and marketing displays. You can proceed in the same way for other domains (accountancy, procurement…).
Do not use recruitment websites only to register your CV and send it in attention of different employers that have some jobs available but try to find also other companies using a particular set of words.
Example: Accountancy, Marketing, Agriculture and so on.Centralize the companies and try to contact them by phone or e-mail. In this case use the search fields from each website.
3. No matter how you select the companies where you wish to work at, it is important to create for yourself a schedule in order to contact those companies in an organized manner. Thus, let’s suppose that you decide to contact 5 companies per day (preferably by phone and then by e-mail).
For this purpose, you should get informed about each company (read their websites, other information posted on the internet about the company.)
Why to inform myself? In order to personalize the message you wish to send to the potential employer and why not, in order to have a constructive discussion by phone with the company’s representative. This way the employer will notice that you work by a plan, that you are analytical, able to communicate about the services of the company, its structure and objectives and so on. (criteria that an employer takes seriously into consideration because an organized, careful person can relate with the customers of the company, he can be understood very well by his colleagues.)
How can you personalize your e-mail addressed to a potential employer? There is an example below!
Ex :
My name is Iulian Vasile, I graduated from Communication and Marketing Department – Bucharest University – and I hope that someday I can start my career.
I know that right now you are starting a new branch in Bucharest, Titan area.
On your website it is stated that the company was recently created, in 2014.
I would like to establish an appointment for an interview within your company. Next Week I am availabe. Tuesday, 30 June of 2015, it is ok for you.
Attached you can find my resume
See you soon!
Iulian Vasile
Tel: 072…
(you can insert here a hyperlink, your profile from Linkedin)
LinkedIn Mihai Silviu Botezatu
You can personalize your message as you wish as long as you send some informationabout the company you target it and provide at least one proposal for the employer.
Another example of proposal for the employer: In orderto see whether we can work properly together or not, I suggest involving as a volunteer for 2 weeks (a trial period). What do you think? Maybe we can discuss about it during an interview.
4. LinkedIn
This social networking site designed for the labour market is very useful especially if you want to contact employers, to promote your CV, to post articles in order to share news, to promote your business and so on. J
The first step is to open an account here:
A. Link: Join LinkedIn
B. Then, you create your profile like a resume.
C. In the search field you also have the option to select whatever you want to find before introducing a name, a company etc. you are interested in. Thus, if you want to find a person that works at HRS, select the option People and write HRS in the search field. This way you will find the persons working for HRS. You can also search for jobs, companies, groups to join.
5. Take part in national/international job competitions. Search right now for such competitions
Key words: Register to win a job; national contest for employment; job contests; Job Competition in… England, France and so on); Job Fest.
There are more word combinations. Try. Think!
6. Job Fairs are organized all over the country and abroad. ANOFM-ul (National Agency for Employment) through the County Agencies –AJOFM organizes Job Fairs (3 or 4 times per year), some recruitment websites, private companies, foundations etc.
Please consult this article (in romanian for the moment): Cum participăm la un târg de job-uri.
7. Speak with professional trainers, specialists or consultants that provided you training courses. How many training courses have you attended until now? Human Resources Inspector, Entrepreneur and possibly more. But, have you spoken to those who qualified you? Have you tried to communicate mentioning them to recommend you to their contacts (on LinkedIn, their work place, providers with whom they often cooperate)?
Maybe you attended a workshop… Keep in touch with both the participants and the person who organized the workshop.
8. Teachers from High School/Faculty (even if you are not a student anymore, it’s OK if you contact them, they will even enjoy it!)
Present your availability, you will send them your resume, you will discuss about a possible partnership within some projects (ex: projects financed from the European Social Fund).
There are many other methods to search for a job! Combine the ideas from this article with your own ideas and you will get new ones!
Try more options to get employed!
Comments? Questions? E-mail:
Silviu Botezatu / Staffing Manager / HRS Outsourcing