VAST – Vulnerable but Socially Active Like You
As of 15/10/2014 the financing contract HRD / 168 / 6.1 / S / 145566 is under development for the project “VAST – Vulnerable but socially active like You”, funded by the Operational Sectorial Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Priority 6 “Promoting social inclusion”, Key Area of Intervention 6.1 – “Developing social economy”.
Department of Community Assistance (DAC) Iasi is the grant applicant and the partners in the project are the Local Public Service for Social Assistance (SPLAS) Botosani, the “Blue Smile” Association in Iasi, and the companies HRS in Voluntari – Ilfov and LACONSEIL SRL in Iasi.
The total budget for the project is 6,363,629.92 lei, out of which the grant is 6,233,175.51 lei.
The overall objective is to facilitate access to the labor market in the North-East and Bucharest-Ilfov regions for people belonging to vulnerable groups in general and people with disabilities, in particular, but also to promote an inclusive and cohesive society.
The specific objectives:
- Developing structures of social economy;
- Promoting the social economy;
- Enhance and consolidate the abilities, competencies, knowledge and self-esteem of people belonging to vulnerable groups.
The target group of the project consists of 80 people, out of which: 60 persons belonging to vulnerable groups and 20 persons belonging to other categories: social workers, foster parents, managers of social economy structures, specialists and trainers involved in the social economy of North-East and Bucharest-Ilfov areas.
The activities of the project envision:
1. Providing occupational services such as employment and career information and counseling, career guidance and counseling
This activity addresses the whole target group of the project and aims at providing vocational guidance and counseling as well as psychological counseling.
2. Activities regarding professional training as well as improving abilities, skills, knowledge and self-esteem
Out of the 80 persons initially included in the target group 40 persons belonging to vulnerable groups who have to be high school graduates will be selected, in order to attend the course “Entrepreneur in the social economy”. The activity will be completed when the diplomas for completing the Entrepreneur in the social economytraining program are issued. The diplomas will be endorsed by the National Qualifications Authority (NCA).
3. Project management
The activity includes the acquisitions of products and services as well as the general and financial coordination of the project.
4. Information and publicity regarding the project
The activity aims to ensure the promotion and advertising of the project, including the European Union contribution to its realization.
5. The establishment and development of social economy structures (SES)
Through this activity 11 SES will be established and developed, out of which 5 will be in rural areas. The SES’s are legally distinct structures, the applicant and partners founding the following structures depending on the fields:
- Applicant – DAC Iasi: Laundry, Document copy center, Catering,
- Partner 1 – SPLAS Botosani: Cleaning services, Outdoors maintenance services;
- Partner 2 – “Blue Smile” association: Custom printing, Hand-made products, Cleaning services, Protection equipment,
- Partner 3 – HRS: Print-shop, Custom objects.
It is intended that out of the 80 people included in the initial target group, 61 to be employed in the 11 structures: 11 managers and 50 employees. Out of the 61 employed people , 67% ie 41 persons belong to vulnerable groups.
6. Work integration services and training in the workplace
This activity involves providing work integration and training services for the employees of the 11 SES.
7. Marketing activities – organizing an exhibition of products and services specific to social economy structures
Representative products and services made by SES employees will be on public display in Iasi, during the last month of the project implementation, in an exhibition dedicated to the social economy.
Project related documentation:
Recruitment announcement_Anunt de angajare in cadrul proiectului
Acquisition announcement:
- Acquisition announcement_Furnizare echipamente tipografice_Imprimerie februarie
- Acquisition announcement_Furnizare echipamente tipografice_Tipografie, februarie
- Acquisition announcement_Servicii contabilitate_Imprimerie, februarie
- Acquisition announcement_Servicii contabilitate_Tipografie, februarie
- Acquisition announcement_Servicii formare profesionala_Imprimerie, februarie
- Acquisition announcement_Servicii formare profesionala_Tipografie, februarie
- Acquisition announcement_Servicii formare profesionala_Imprimerie martie
- Acquisition announcement_Servicii formare profesionala_Tipografie, martie
- Acquisition announcement_ Servicii webdesign – SCRIPTWO
- Acquisition announcement_Servicii webdesign – PRINT HOUSE SOLUTION
- Acquisition announcement_Solicitare de oferta – servicii integrare la locul de munca PRINT HOUSE
- Acquisition announcement_Solicitare de oferta – servicii integrare la locul de munca SCRIPTWO

We consider the public-private partnerships an effective way to improve society, therefore we constantly promote the economic model of social economy and by our expertise we are able to assist any company that would like to benefit of EU funds. Depending on the type of project, we can offer our consultancy support or become your full partner. Contact us and we will offer you the best solutions!