Do you know how to present your ideas?

Participation in employment interviews requires a certain preparation, structure and procedure. Thus, there are a few basic things that you can do even before you participate in an interview as well as during the interview, as follows:
- It is recommended to inform yourself about the company with which you will have your interview (use the company website or search the internet for relevant information: business statistics, expansion plans, major objectives, etc.). By doing so you will be able to organize your ideas about how you would like to contribute in the respective company, presenting them to the interviewer in an accessible, easy-to-understand manner.
- In order to easily present some of your ideas, practice at home the mode in which you want to express them. Organize them in your planner.
- If during the interview you have certain ideas that you want to express but you are a bit shy because you think that you need additional supplementary information, ask the interviewer, they can offer you basic details with which you can construct your ideas.
- Ideas in an interview can be in the form of a proposal or of a plan of action. Normally, this has a structure or at least an objective. For example, you propose to create publicity on more forms of communication (classify the forms and what you want to promote on them and, eventually, what are the desired results).
- Even before the interview you should ask yourself certain questions and respond to them. The questions are: What can I do for the company for I have my interview? How can I achieve what I propose? What instruments do I need? Certainly, you don’t need to be very specific because you will have the chance, in the course of the interview, to find out more information.
- The interviewer will of course present you, perhaps even in the first few minutes, the objective of the company or of the post for which you are applying and you will thus have the opportunity to extract essential information to build-up the ideas that you will present. Perhaps you can even offer the interviewer a different perspective than the one that he or she currently holds.
- If you have lots of ideas, don’t rush to express them all. Take the time, synthesize them and then present them.
- Try to offer arguments for the ideas you sustain. Your affirmation/idea will draw more attention if there are specific proofs or examples that can confirm what you say.
- Don’t worry if it happens that you mess up in your attempt to offer the best proposals or ideas; there is a solution for this situation as well. For example, if you lose yourself in your proposal, try to use key words as a base upon which the interviewer can understand what you’re trying to say.
- If you obtain your desired job, continue to be active. Even after you’re employed you can still propose ideas.